
How to Calm a Fussy Baby

How to Calm a Fussy Baby

When your baby is crying nonstop or fussy all the time, you feel stressed and might even feel like a "bad" mom. You don't like to see your baby uncomfortable and begin to wonder what you've done wrong. But don't worry, there's hope.

Nanette Meneses, the founder of Happi Tummi, suffered the same way when her first born was colicky. She talks to thousands of mothers about their baby issues and shares how she assesses the cause of a crying baby to help you find relief. 

"First, I check the obvious. When I was really stressed, I was overlooking some simple solutions. It is normal for crying to start for one reason but continue for another. My first thoughts are overheating, the diaper or hunger."

First things to check:

  • Is your baby overheating?
  • Have you checked their diaper?
  • Are they hungry?

If you've checked the first three issues and everything seems okay, Nanette thinks your baby could be dealing with a stomach issue. Your baby could be suffering from colic, gas or constipation.


So what does colic look like?

  • Intense crying, sometimes with screaming
  • Extreme fussiness even after the crying has stopped
  • Predictable timing, with episodes often in the evening
  • Body tension, pulling up legs, stiffened arms and legs and clenched fists

Want to hear Nanette's experience? Doctors will tell you there is no explanation for why colic happens. It can attack seemingly healthy babies. It has not been related to diet, breastfeeding, allergy, gas, constipation or other typical problems with the digestive system, although each of those issues can cause a baby to cry. Soothing Colic is sometimes the only option because colic is a diagnosis used by doctors and health care practitioners when all else fails. 

That is why Nanette invented Happi Tummi, a natural remedy to colic. It works on fussy, gassy, constipated and colic babies instantly. Reviews from parents whose prayers were answered, tell their stories of overcoming colic. You should not suffer needlessly any more either. 

Gas or Constipation

Here’s what gas and constipation might look like in infants and toddlers:

  • Irregular bowel movements.
  • Solid, hard-feeling tummy.
  • An increase in crying can also mean your baby is taking in more air, sometimes increasing gas.

Gas can really be hard to define, and is similar to colic. Every baby gets some type of gas, and we know how to burp them, but many little bellies are not yet fully formed and cannot process breast milk, or those foods, hormones or allergens that are in our milk because of what we eat. Natural ways to solve colic and gas are available.

Gentle Belly Pressure

Think about what you do when your own stomach hurts – you instinctively grab your stomach or scrunch over and press on it which does not necessarily work. The soothing pressure that Happi Tummi provides is the exact amount that your baby needs.


Warmth can help ease the pain of gas and can also help with a tightened tummy. The warmth can also be a factor in helping your baby’s body expel excess gas, or encourage the body to have a bowel movement.

Soothing Herbs 

Helps keep your baby calm and helps stop the crying which can cause your baby to take in too much air and causing even more gas, and the crying cycle increases.


If you are breastfeeding, pay attention to what you're eating. There are some things they don’t tell you that can cause gas; broccoli, onions, salad, almonds, pineapple, garlic, oranges or coffee. Consider restricting some of these foods.

If you are not breastfeeding, some formulas have a lot of iron in them that can cause constipation. Read the labels carefully and see if you can find formula with reduced iron. Make sure your baby is not lactose intolerant.

Consider soy based products or even goat’s milk. It is important also to make sure your baby is getting plenty of fluids, especially if iron intake is higher.

Happi Tummi helps with constipation in babies, toddlers, and even grownups. It simply reduces the tension in the stomach. Also Happi Tummi helps in the transitional period if you need to change formula.

We hope this information helps you and your baby. Happi Tummi will help, just give it a chance.

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Happi Tummi is committed to the health of the whole family, providing comfort for the stomach, when you need it most. Check out our products at

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