IBS, Abdominal pain, Crohn's Disease and Celiac Disease can be restricting your lifestyle and long-term health. It is hard enough to deal with unexpected urges but embarrassing to have to interrupt your day with urgency in a location where you cannot even find a clean facility. Nothing could be more inconvenient, and sometimes embarrassing.
Controlling the symptoms related to these conditions is key to remaining active and healthy. Unfortunately, most medical solutions you have been offered are ineffective or include another pill or medication with complications and side effects. You wouldn’t be here if a solution was working well. You crave your freedom, and it would be awesome if an external, natural and convenient solution was available, and secured by a money back guarantee for 100% satisfaction.
You are not alone, 10-15% of the adult population suffers from IBS symptoms on a daily basis. It is the most common gastrointestinal disease that causes adult suffering. Happi Tummi is not a solution for the disease, it is a natural solution for the pain and stress related to the disease. It is a band-aid for the stomach. It will give you relief from pain and nausea and some predictability to your bowel movements without drops or drugs. Happi Tummi is a completely natural external herbal pouch in a plush wrap that is warmed and snuggled around the area of pain. The combination of herbs, restriction and heat instantly relieves pain and stress.
Consider the review given by Ryan. When his IBS would flair, he simply wasn’t able to work. Work caused him stress, and his absence from work increased his stress. Medication made him lethargic, and missing work just increased his financial stress, irritating his stomach and the cycle of IBS and all that that brings.
Ryan bought a Happi Tummi on the recommendation of a friend, and what a friend it turned out to be. Within a week Ryan wrote a review. “I use the Happi Tummi whenever I start to feel my IBS flaring. I can wear it at work, or home, and it seems to calm my symptoms and relieve the cramping. I love it because it has kept me from those really bad attacks that force me to stay home.”
It is not a cure for IBS, but Happi Tummi certainly helps Ryan manage his symptoms. I will work for you too. Relaxing the muscles of the stomach will only benefit you, reducing your stress, giving you more regulation and control and easing that twisting colon, allowing the body to naturally continue the process of collection and elimination of byproducts.
Keep eating as you are directed, reducing your consumption of harmful foods and drugs, and use Happi Tummi to improve your reaction to those things you have or must eat.