Congratulations on your sweet bundle of joy! Now that your newborn is home from the hospital, you're probably feeling a mix of emotions. You're elated that your sweet baby is finally here, but you might also be missing your old life.
You're being bombarded with advice from friends and family. And when you go online to do your own research, you feel overwhelmed and start to wonder if something is wrong with your newborn.
Don't worry, what you're feeling is normal and it does get better. Here are 5 tips for surviving the first week with your newborn baby.
Your newborn will spend the entire day either eating, sleeping or pooping. And with a tiny, little stomach, you're going to spend a lot of time feeding your newborn.
If you're breastfeeding your newborn, stock up on things that make your life easier. Get a proper milk storage system and plenty of milk storage bags. Try using pillows for support - most moms swear by their Boppy pillow.
If you're bottle feeding, invest in a good bottle warmer and in just a few seconds, your bottle will be perfectly warmed. Also have extra bottles and a nice drying rack. You're not going to want to spend all your free time hand-washing bottles.
We know this sounds easier said than done, but it is so so so important. Your newborn is going to sleep a lot and at strange hours. Try to do your best and sleep when your baby is sleeping.
Cleaning the kitchen can wait. Doing laundry can wait. Don't worry about keeping a spotlessly clean house. Try to get sleep so you can give your newborn your best and not be a walking mombie.
You just had a baby. It took more than 9 months to grow your newborn, it's going to take 9 months for your body to heal. This means you need to take time to get plenty to eat and drink. Now is not the time for a diet. If you're breastfeeding your newborn, you'll want to make sure you're eating enough food so that your millk supply isn't affected.
Do not. We repeat. Do not try on your pre-pregnancy jeans. You might feel eager to get your pre-pregnancy body back but please resist the pressure to fit into your pre-pregnancy clothing. Honor your new body.
Let your partner take care of the baby while you sleep, eat, or watch Netflix (it's okay, we promise). The sooner you involve your partner, the sooner they'll learn what it takes to help care for your newborn. As big as a change this was for you, your partner's world is changing too.
Try to delegate as many things to your partner as possible. Ask your partner to clean the kitchen while you snuggle your newborn. Your partner can put your baby to sleep while you eat. It's okay to ask for help and to take turns caring for your newborn.
Chances are your newborn is experiencing tummy troubles. Whether suffering from gas, constipation, or colic, tummy problems are usually the culprit when it comes to a fussy baby. Avoid using drops or drugs. Comfort your baby with Happi Tummi, an external natural solution. Happi Tummi is a quick and simple, patented herbal pouch in an external wrap that has calmed thousands of parents and babies since 2004.
That's it: 5 ways to help you survive the first week with your newborn. We didn't want to overwhelm you with a big to-do list of suggestions (you're getting enough of that from your friends and family). The most important way to survive your first week with a newborn, is to take care of yourself too. Don't be too hard. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting. We're all doing the best we can and we're sure you are too. You've got this!