Time sure does fly, doesn't it? And if your arms are getting tired after holding your baby, it's for good reason: Your baby has most likely doubled in size since birth.
Not only is your baby growing and getting cuter with each passing minute, your baby is starting to laugh. We're pretty sure that babies were designed to start giggling at this age, since they are also going through a sleep regression.
And that sleep regression means you're not getting much sleep either. Sleep regression is super normal at this stage and you'll notice your baby is waking up more frequently.
Remember that sleep schedule you had perfected? It's gone for the next month or so. But find hope in that this stage is temporary and you will be on a schedule again.
Some babies will also start rolling over from front to back, sit with support, and may even push up on their elbows when laying on their tummy. All this psychical exertion is sure to make both mommy and baby tired. And with baby not sleeping through the night, it's okay to join baby in on some nap times. Use Happi Tummi for Grownups to help you fall asleep even faster!. If no one else has told you, you're doing a great job - this mom thing ain't easy!