Your baby is graduating from newborn to infant. And, we'd love to tell you that once your baby turns 3 months old, your baby will be sleeping through the night. Unfortunately it's just not the reality.
And when your baby isn't sleeping, neither are you. It may be because baby is teething. This usually starts around the 2nd month. They will start feeling uncomfortable, itchy gums, maybe soar. Baby may be putting their hands in their mouth or salivating. These are some of the signs you will see.
If you see your baby is salivating and they are fussy, this would be a good time to use Happi Tummi. Salivating causes an upset stomach when swallowed. There are scientific reasoning's for this but we won’t bother you about it. You can Google it and it will give you details if you like.
Happi Tummi soothes their little tummies. This will go on for a few months until about month 6th when the tooth should be appearing.
One of the best things about graduating to an infant is that you're starting to see more of your baby's personality - through smiling, cooing, even reaching his arms out to you. If you're not enjoying this baby stage, that's okay too.
Your baby can track movements together with their eyes. Babies love bold colors. Baby may be able to start opening and closing their hands and grasp things for longer periods of time. They may start bringing things closer to their eyes. This is a fun time to start playing games with them with their hands. A rattle in each hand and shake, play baby cakes...
Some babies have a difficult time sleeping or may have gotten a little over stimulated when you went out in public or you had many visitors. Happi Tummi is great for these moments. The gentle warmth and aroma of the herbs will help calm and soothe your baby right to sleep. It may help mom or grandma too.
Now before you're quick to label it "Baby Blues" - here are some ways to identify what you're feeling is normal or if you should seek some extra help. Remember you have not probably had a consistent nights sleep since before you had your baby. This will do funny things to your brain and not to mention all the hormones trying to get back into balance. Make sure that you are going out of the house and walking, jogging, joining some mommy groups so that you can feel normal.
Seeking extra help or counseling doesn't make you a bad or failed parent, it's a healthy way for you to become the best mom you can be.