Baby recognizes not just immediate family members but friends and other family as well. Baby knows who mama is and doesn’t like when she leaves. He’s very aware now of where he is and who he’s with.
Some babies will decide they dislike their car seat or stroller at this age and they’ll certainly tell you how they feel. That’s when those fun toys that have a strap on them come in handy. They love to test the law of gravity by throwing things down.
Baby may have been very docile and is just now start showing an attitude. This is just them understanding the world around them, and deciding for themselves what they think about it. It’s an important part of personality development so just let baby figure it out.
Don’t worry, it won’t last too long. Use Happi Tummi to help calm baby when he doesn’t approve of the nanny or time alone with daddy.
Baby can be taking a few steps right now, at least while holding onto the coffee table. He might have dropped one of his daytime naps. It’s just too exciting to stay awake right now. Just when you get that nap schedule figured out, they change it on you.