Natural baby colic or gas relief, what really works.
Your baby has colic, excessive gas or acid reflux. What works to help your baby? Is it harmful? Let’s explore this together.
There are two types of products: external remedies and herbal or medicinal drops. Each has their own benefits and some work better than others. See this chart.
External remedies offer relief for your baby without ingesting any medications, herbs or drops. They are generally safe, but do they work?
Stars | Type | Description | Rating | Risks |
Cost 3 mo |
5 stars | External |
Happi Tummi |
98 | None | $24.97 |
3 stars | Internal | Mylicon | 80 |
Allergic BlackPoop Costly |
$45 @ $6/oz |
3 stars | Internal | Gripe Water | 75 |
Allergy Sucrose Ginger Costly |
$54 @ $2.3/ oz |
4 stars | External |
WaterBottle |
89 |
None Effective? |
$7 |

External Remedies
Happi Tummi is an all natural herbal remedy that combines heat, a patented herbal pouch and restriction to help your baby. It works well for babies that are fussy, colicky, or gassy. And it has calming properties with the use of lavender and 6 other ingredients. See testimonials for Happi Tummi here.
Grandma used to suggest that you cradle a baby on your arm over a warm water bottle for colic. It is useful and works in many cases, but in severe cases or where the problem is gas or acid reflux, the results are mixed. Normally when a baby is suffering from acid reflux, laying on their belly can be a problem and gas is slow to move with warmth alone.
Many people report that sitting the baby in a rocker, car seat or on a dryer has worked. However, most mothers that have colic gassy babies or babies suffering from acid reflux report that this is not helpful.
In part the problem comes from the underdeveloped sphincter in the throat. Rocking is simply not soothing enough for this painful condition.

Ingestion of Herbs or Drops
Most doctors will tell you that ingestion of certain products can be harmful to your baby, particularly if it is often administered to calm your baby’s symptoms. However there are several categories of products that report success treating colic and acid reflux.
Mylicon drops. Several companies make mylicon drops to soothe your baby's colic. Some profess to also assist in acid reflux, although the report of success has mainly been for colic. Mylicon is generally considered safe, although most manufacturers admit that your baby will poop black after several administrations. It is also expensive if you have to buy a bottle a week, for the 3-4 months that colic can last. Consider it, but give thought that overuse could have unforeseen consequences.
Herbal preparations. Many of the essential oil companies are coming out with versions of their herbal preparations to calm or soothe your baby. Herbs have long been used in Chinese medicine and for the most part they are thought to be safe. However, in recent years, certain countries are limiting the release and sale of such herbal preparations because little is documented about their benefits and significant ingestion can be the source of certain allergies later in life. The herbal companies report that lavender, chamomile and other soothing teas, preparations and essential oils placed in food can soothe the colic, gassy or a baby with acid reflux. You may want to research ingestion results from reputable companies to determine how much and how often to use these drops.
Gripe water. Several companies make a product called gripe water, a blend of different herbs and some contain ginger and sugar. Rumor has it, it was originally created in England, and was comprised of sugar, water, dill and alcohol. Later concoctions use fructose and other chemicals that may be harmful to your baby. Make sure you read the label. Gripe water was the go to formula for years, probably because there were few alternatives. However that is not the case now. People report mixed reviews of gripe water and side effects have been reported.
It is also not inexpensive when considering the need to use it over a course of months.
Happi Tummi is a low cost, affordable and lasting remedy for colic, gas and acid reflux, without risk of ingestion of harmful products or long term complications. We hope this article helps.