Happi Tummi soothes and relieves pain instantly for colic, gas, constipation, and acid reflux.
Swaddles babies in warmth, while soothing and natural, external herbs provide instant comfort and calming relief.
An inconsolable, crying baby is a mother’s biggest frustration. Nanette Meneses, was that mother, with the baby that wouldn’t stop crying. She set out to cure colic and instead she created a “band-aid for the stomach” a safe, external, and natural remedy, without drops or drugs.
In 2004, she created Happi Tummi a plush waistband with an herbal pouch that calms a baby instantly when warmed and wrapped around their tummy. Her baby’s pediatrician, doula and lactation consultant were amazed by the effectiveness.
Nanette has been on a mission to create happy, healthy families all over the world, naturally, externally and safely. She would love to support you with your patients.
We’d like to ask you a few short questions about how you calm a crying baby so he or she can relax and sleep. We’ll give you a sample Happi Tummi for baby so you can try it just for taking the survey here.
Get Your Free Happi TummiDue to COVID19, we only ship within the United States at this time. If you are out of the country and interested in a sample, please reach out and we will do our best to accommodate your request in the future. Thank you for your enthusiasm!