Fun Halloween Activities That Keep Kids Learning (And FREE Printables)

Fun Halloween Activities That Keep Kids Learning (And FREE Printables)

Virtual classes have been in session for a while now and most parents can agree: It's time for a break from so much screen time. Guaranteed to keep kids off their tablet, we've compiled a list of our favorite Halloween activities for kids of all ages. We've also included some free printables that keep your kiddos learning along the way.

Halloween activities for kids of all ages:

Babies & Toddlers

Halloween crafts and activities for babies and toddlers should be fun, not scary! Some fun ways to celebrate the holiday include:

Our favorite printables for babies and toddlers:

Preschool & Elementary

Preschoolers and elementary aged kids will love hands-on Halloween crafts and activities. Here are some our favorites:

Our favorite printables for preschoolers and elementary students:

Teens & Adults

Our favorite printables for teens and adults:

Looking for more fun this fall? Check out our blog post on fall activities that keep kids busy while you work from home...

Don't let stomach aches prevent you from doing your favorite things this fall season. Get the comfort you need from Happi Tummi.

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